Book Review: “microsoft SharePoint 2010–building solutions for sharepoint 2010” by sahil malik

Some background why I chose this book:  I was probably aware of Sahil Malik prior to TechEd 2009 but I had the chance to speak with him in the learning center.  I received a copy of his book on SharePoint Designer 2007.  So, when it was time to start developing with SP2010 I picked up his book on SharePoint development for 2010.

To get an idea about Sahil, take a look at this:

WCF is covered in the book.

What I found amusing and somewhat humbling is having to dust off old IT skills (Sahil refers to ITs as IT Ogres and Developers and Programmer Fairies…) and learn a whole bunch of new skills.  This is a good thing.  IMHO, appdevs need to be aware of the impact to servers and how servers operate to some level.

Content and structure of the book: Hopefully you are already versed in basic AD, PowerShell and a few other tidbits.  The book moves fast over the area of set up.  VMWare workstation is highly recommended.

At the time of this writing more 2010 material is coming available and there have been some minor changes that you’ll notice.  But, if you want a no nonsense and straight forward approach to SP development.  Check out this book.